Visit of Predjama Castle

The undoubtedly most famous of all castle inhabitants was the knight Erazem of Predjama, who rebelled against the imperial autocracy in the 15th century. Nowadays Erazem is the main protagonist of numerous legends, which on the one hand glorify him as a passionate, handsome, noble knight, while on the other hand he is described as a bandit ans a robber baron, who eventually breathed his last while in the toilet
  • Predjama Castle night
  • Predjama Castle INT_169 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle INT_109 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle INT_078 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle INT_054 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle INT_046 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle INT_033 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle EXT_074 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle EXT_015 Iztok Medja for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle EXT 102 Miha Krivic for Postojnska jama
  • Predjama Castle EXT 100 Bostjan  Burger for Postojnska jama
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