Predjama Castle + Cave under Predjama Castle
- In package
- 1x Visit of Predjama Castle
- 1x Cave under Predjama Castle
Predjama Castle
A mere few kilometres from Postojna Cave, the Karst world offers an unforgettable experience in the fairytale world of knights. The impregnable medieval marvel has been perched in the middle of a 123-metre-high cliff for more than 800 years. Behind the largest cave castle in the world, there is a network of secret tunnels, from where the knight Erazem of Predjama would set out on his plundering expeditions. The Cave under Predjama Castle is the home of a colony of bats. Natural elements seamlessly interwoven with manmade ones, the result of man's work and nature's creativity has created a pearl of medieval resourcefulness. The world's largest cave castle, listed as one of the Guinness World Records, tells a picturesque story about the times when comfort had to give way to safety, and when the clatter of weapons would often drown out troubadours' songs.
Cave under Predjama Castle
Under the castle, the Karst world formed the Cave under Predjama Castle, which spans four floors and is the second longest Slovenian cave. A section of the cave can be seen as part of the castle tour, while the rest is visited as part of adventure tours. Jama pod Predjamskim gradom je druga najdaljša slovenska turistična jama, ki se razširja v štirih nadstropjih - ta so, razen vrhnje Erazmove luknje z Erazmovim rovom, vsa povezana med seboj. Dolžina vseh do sedaj odkritih delov jame obsega 14 kilometrov. Turistični odsek meri 700 metrov in vključuje Konjski hlev, Glavni rov, Imenski rov, Veliko dvorano in Fiženco, kjer je izhod na površje.